

An important part of the company’s development strategy is the continuous improvement and achievement of the highest standards in the assigned projects execution. Balkantel maintains an Integrated Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018, with an initial certification dated back in 2002. Balkantel is also certified under the requirements of NATO’s Alliance Publication AQAP 2110 on the design, delivery, system integration and deployment of complex telecommunication and information systems. Balkantel executes the assigned projects on the basis of clearly defined operational, information and control procedures. The service quality expected by the customer is monitored at each stage of the project implementation – from the selection of the best teams to the review of the work done at any moment along the project execution, and is ensured by the commitment of the Management and the entire staff in accordance with the implemented Integrated Quality Management System.