Аt the end of June, Balkantel organized a team-building adventure for its employees!

At the end of June, Balkantel organized a team-building adventure for its employees!

The Balkantel team entrusted themselves entirely to the professionals from AGENDA TRAINING SOLUTIONS, who skillfully prepared an excellent program in the foothills of the Pirin mountain. The program included 5 different challenges, each one fostering relationships and creating unforgettable moments of joy, unity, and consensus among all colleagues.
The challenges lasted about 3 hours and required the participants to be divided into 5 separate teams that jumped, built, thought and walked together, performing excellently as a whole.

The final idea and goal of these activities were to synthesize several of Balkantel’s most important team working mottos, namely:

Почетен плакет

Организаторите от фирма Agenda, връчиха този плакет на всички участници от Балкантел в тиймбилдинг заниманията, като награда за добре свършената екипна работа!

  • “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and approach for which they are mutually accountable.”
  •  “A team succeeds or fails according to the way its members communicate with each other.”
  • “If we can create the right mindset as a team, we’re already halfway there.”
  •  “As a team, let’s not be afraid but believe in what we are doing even when it is new and unknown to us. Noah’s Ark was made by amateurs. Professionals built the Titanic.”