UNIFE welcomes RASTIA again!

In mid-June, RASTIA was accepted as a Unife member, again after a hiatus of several years. The application was submitted at the end of 2021 and after six months, the organization was accepted. Since mid-March, the association has a new chairman of the board – Eng. Ivaylo Kalpachev, after Dr. Lyudmil Ivanov withdrew at the general assembly.

At the end of June, during one of UNIFE’s regular meetings, the RASTIA association was introduced as the sole non-governmental organization from Bulgaria and the entire region.

Balkantel is a key and leading member of RASTIA. For more information about the membership and other interesting facts about the UNIFE (The European Rail Industry) association, you can read here: https://www.unife.org/?s=rastia.