BALKANTEL LTD implements a project for granting financial aid under procedure BG05M9OP001-1.008 “Good and safe working conditions” of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” “ Name of the project proposal: Introduction of good and safe working conditions in Balkantel Ltd.

Main goal of the project: Improving the working environment in Balkantel Ltd. by providing good and safe working conditions, as well as creating conditions for reconciling the professional, family and personal life of employees.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Improving working conditions and strengthening the health of the company’s workforce and reducing accidents at work by purchasing new, more modern personal protective equipment and special clothing;
  • Encouraging the geographical mobility of the labor force in the country by providing support for providing transport to the persons employed in Balkantel OOD, living outside the city of Sofia.
  • Providing social benefits for employees. The project envisages providing conditions for meals and rest for the employees of Balkantel OOD, incl. purchase of equipment and furniture for the dining rooms in the company’s building;

Project budget: The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Total value: 113 174.75 BGN, of which96 198.54 BGN European and 16. 976.21 BGN national funding
Place of execution: Sofia city
Deadline:15 months

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