The “Mobile Hardware” system allows the creation of an appropriate infrastructure for a field command and control system, in the context of military aviation.

Balkantel’s communication modules provide a single radio field for military aviation control over the country’s territory, allowing the exchange of all types of information:

  • meteorological information;
  • air traffic management information;
  • control of take-off and landing, day and night, in all conditions;
  • conducting video teleconferences;
  • continuous ground-to-air and ground-to-ground communication;
  • communication and information support of military formations of allied troops participating in exercises on the territory of the country;

The system ensures continuity and reliable management through highly stable communication between the various points, complying with NATO standards.

Mobile communication modules increase the flexibility of the air force and the mobility of their units. Purposes of mobile communication module:

  • allows in a short time the expansion in a certain direction (region) of the VHF / UHF radio system to provide a single radio field for military aviation control over the territory of the country while on combat duty in the integrated NATO air defense system;
  • communication and information support (KIP) of units participating in exercises on the territory of the country through the deployment of field communication and information nodes (KIV) and their multi-channel connection to the stationary communication system (SCS) of BA, digital radio relay lines (RRL) and communication national telecommunications operator (NGO) networks;
  • ensuring the independent use of the aviation multi-channel VHF (VHF / UHF) radio station from the composition of the product, its remote control from a remote command center or its connection to the established network of voice control and control systems (Voice Communication Control System – VCCS);

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