BALKANTEL LTD implements a project for granting financial aid under procedure BG16RFOP002-1.001 – Support for implementation of innovations in the enterprises of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020.
Name of the projecta: Implementation of an innovative product and market realization of a device for voice communications of the dispatch center “RADIS”, grant agreement BG16RFOP002-1.001-0272-C01.
Main goal : Support the marketing of an innovative product – device for voice communications of the dispatch center “RADIS”, own development of Balkantel Ltd., ensuring the security and normal operation of railway and airport dispatch centers.
Specific objectives:
- Diversification of the product portfolio of Balkantel Ltd. with a new innovative product.
- Purchase of equipment and software and creation of a simulation platform (production configuration) of a voice communication device.
- Increasing the capacity of Balkantel Ltd. to create and implement innovative products in the thematic area “Mechatronics and Clean Technologies” of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization / ISIS.
Budget:The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness 2014 – 2020”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and the national budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Total value: 1 582 867.50 BGN, of which 820 743.64 BGN European, 144 837.11 BGN – national financing and 617 286.75 BGN. – own financing.
Place of execution: Vratsa
Deadline: 14 months