CLIENT: State Enterprise “National Railway Infrastructure Company”
PERIOD: 2015
PLACE: Bulgaria, Razmenna station
STATUS: Completed
In 2015, Balkantel Ltd. started work on the project “DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF A BOARD FOR MRC – G. RAZMENNA”. The purpose of the console is to receive commands from the duty traffic manager and to indicate the condition of the objects (arrows, signals, controlled sections, etc.) of station route-relay centralization type H-68 U in Razmenna station. The project includes the following activities:
- Development of technical documentation for a panel-board for MRC type H-68 U.
- Production of the panel board in Balkantel Ltd.
- Delivery and installation of the panel in the station.
- Conducting tests and trials.
The composition of the product includes:
- console;
- specialized work desk and movable container for storing documents.
The defined resource in compliance with the conditions for proper operation of the buttons is: 1,000,000 work cycles “push – release”. The MRC console board meets the requirements of Art. 59, 60, 62, 63, 72, 73 and 74 of the Rules for technical operation of the railway infrastructure of the National Railway Infrastructure Company. Deadline: 128 days